CURE India's Delhi Team Member, Mrs. Shimpi, had a productive visit to Vikas Bhawan on August 23rd, 2023. During this visit, she had the opportunity to meet with esteemed individuals, including Dr. Anju Jain, Programme Officer of DSHM, and Deepmala, State Asha Coordinator. The discussions were centered around our initiatives and programs, aiming to bring about positive change for children in India.
Positive Discussions and Exchange of Ideas
Mrs. Shimpi shared valuable information about CURE India and the Children in India Programme, receiving a positive response from the officials. They engaged in meaningful discussions, exploring various aspects of our initiatives and the impactful work we are doing. This exchange of ideas was not only enriching but also essential in fostering collaboration and understanding.
Fostering Collaboration for a Brighter Future
The visit to Vikas Bhawan was an enriching experience, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. By building strong relationships with key stakeholders, we are working towards a brighter future for children in India. These discussions are crucial in ensuring that our programs are effective and reach those who need them the most.
Commitment to Empowering Children
At CURE India, we are committed to empowering children and ensuring they have the opportunity to live a life free from disability. Our engagement with community leaders and officials is a testament to our dedication to this cause. Together, we can make a significant impact and transform lives.
Join Us in Making a Difference
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Anju Jain, Deepmala, and all those involved in these discussions. Your support and collaboration are invaluable in our mission to empower children and create a better future for them.
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