CURE India welcomed an enthusiastic group from Tamil Nadu to our National Office in Delhi, marking the start of an inspiring training program focused on early identification and treatment of clubfoot. The first day was packed with hands-on learning, knowledge-sharing, and team bonding, all rooted in our shared commitment to a clubfoot-free India.
The session aimed to equip our Tamil Nadu team with advanced skills in spotting and addressing clubfoot in its early stages. By strengthening these capabilities, we ensure that every child born with clubfoot has access to timely and effective treatment, paving the way for a brighter, disability-free future.
The energy and dedication displayed by the team on Day 1 were remarkable. As they exchanged ideas and embraced our mission, the room was filled with hope and determination to make a difference—one state, one district, and one child at a time.
As we expand our efforts across the country, your support is vital. Together, we can reach every corner of India, ensuring that no child is left behind. Donate today to empower our teams and bring life-changing care to children nationwide.
Let’s take steps toward a future where every child can walk confidently. 💪🌍
#CUREIndia #EndClubfoot #TamilNaduTeam #MakingADifference #TogetherWeCan #HealthcareForAll #ChildHealth #DelhiTraining
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