CURE India continues to make strides in its mission to eradicate clubfoot disability, this time reaching the heart of Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. Ms. Savita Yadav, District Program Coordinator, recently visited a local primary school to raise awareness about the life-changing Clubfoot Awareness Program.
During her visit, Ms. Yadav shared invaluable insights about the significance of early identification and timely treatment for clubfoot. The interactive session focused on empowering teachers and community members to recognize signs of clubfoot and guide affected families toward appropriate care.
This initiative underscores CURE India’s unwavering commitment to a clubfoot-free India. By involving local communities and schools, we are creating an ecosystem of support, ensuring that every child with clubfoot receives the treatment they need to step confidently into a brighter, healthier future.
Community engagement is at the core of CURE India’s efforts, and the success of programs like these relies on collective action. With the support of educators, parents, and healthcare professionals, we are inching closer to our vision of a disability-free generation.
Your contribution can help sustain these awareness programs and provide essential care to children affected by clubfoot. Let’s unite to spread awareness, inspire action, and bring hope to more children in need.
#CUREIndia #ClubfootAwareness #TransformingLives #HopeForChildren #ClubfootFreeIndia #CommunityImpact #EmpoweringEducation
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