A meaningful encounter unfolded as Team Metta Social had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. Santhosh George G, the Director of CURE International India Trust. The engaging conversation delved into the various challenges and stigmatization faced by those affected by clubfoot in India.
🤝 Building Bridges for Impact:
The meeting paved the way for potential collaboration, with Team Metta Social expressing their eagerness to join the mission led by CURE International India. The shared passion for making a difference and addressing the adversities associated with clubfoot resonates as a powerful force for positive change.
💙 Contributing to a Clubfoot-Free India:
CURE International India's clubfoot program has been instrumental in providing free, successful, and comprehensive treatment to children with clubfoot. The commitment to ensuring a better future for these children serves as an inspiration, and Team Metta Social is eager to contribute to the cause.
🌟 Aiming for the Next Milestone:
As part of their collaboration, Team Metta Social is geared towards supporting the cause and actively participating in the mission to reach the next 50,000 children affected by clubfoot in India. The combined efforts hold the promise of creating a positive and lasting impact.
🌐 Learn More:
To delve deeper into the impactful initiatives of CURE International India and the collaborative efforts with Team Metta Social, explore www.cure.org.in. Your support is integral as we work towards building a clubfoot-free India and ensuring a better future for every child.
#CUREIndia #MettaSocial #CollaborationForChange #ClubfootFreeIndia #CSRIndia 🌈
Site by NWD.