Nidyashree (name changed), a young girl from Odisha, is currently undergoing casting and treatment for clubfoot at a CURE India clinic in Odisha. Despite her ongoing treatment, her remarkable talent...
On May 12, 2024, the Rotary Club convened a significant meeting in Bokaro, Jharkhand. CURE India's District Program Coordinator, Ms. Suchitra Lakra, seized a remarkable opportunity to impart crucial insights...
The 4th National Clubfoot Conference 2024, hosted at Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College in New Delhi on March 3rd, marked a momentous occasion in our collective journey to eradicate clubfoot disability...
Ms. Lata Jadhav, CURE India's District Program Coordinator, made a significant impact in Maharashtra by raising awareness about clubfoot at Zilla Parishad School, Mirkhel, and Anganwadi. Her visit led to...
Our clinics in Gujarat are committed to providing comprehensive support to parents and their children on their journey to recovery. We understand that healing from clubfoot is a multifaceted process,...
Ms. Rushali, the dedicated District Program Coordinator for CURE India, attended a significant ASHA Workers training session in Sindhudurg, Maharashtra. This event marked an essential step in the nationwide mission...
Ms. Rashmi Rani Pal, District Program Coordinator at CURE India, played a pivotal role in a district Asha workers training session held at Nakhare CHC in Cuttack, Odisha. This training...
Ms. Ekta, a proactive District Program Coordinator at CURE India, organized a highly informative and supportive group meeting in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. This gathering provided a crucial platform for parents and...
Ms. Veena, the dedicated District Program Coordinator of CURE India, participated in a district Asha workers training session held in Hassan District, Karnataka. This event provided a significant platform for...
On September 9th, 2023, CURE India's District Program Coordinator (DPC), Ms. Manisha Rajput, made a significant impact in Pune by raising awareness about Clubfoot across various hospitals. Her dedicated efforts...
CURE India's district program coordinator, Ms. Priya, recently had the honor of attending a district Asha workers training session in Surathkal Dakshina District, Karnataka, on September 5th, 2023. This event...
Today was a memorable day at the Odisha Clinic as we welcomed Ms. Upasana Sahu, SPC from CURE India. Her visit brought immense joy and encouragement to the children currently...