CURE India is proud to have been invited to participate in the launch of the RBSK (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram) Screening Program held at Koneru Basavayya School, Vijayawada. Organized under the guidance of Dr. Prasath, this remarkable event served as a platform to highlight the importance of early screening and intervention for children’s health, with a special focus on clubfoot awareness.
The event was graced by the honorable Sri Satya Kumar Yadav, Health Minister of Andhra Pradesh, along with other esteemed dignitaries, including:
Their presence reinforced the shared commitment to improving child health and eradicating disabilities like clubfoot.
CURE India utilized this valuable platform to:
This collaboration with the RBSK program exemplifies our dedication to reaching every corner of India, ensuring that no child born with clubfoot is left untreated. It is a testament to what can be achieved when governments, organizations, and communities work together toward a common goal.
Your support can help us continue this mission to create a clubfoot-free India. Every contribution brings us closer to a future where every child can walk confidently into their potential. Donate today to bring hope and healing to children in need.
Together, we can make a lasting impact. 👣💙✨
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