Day 2 of the Tamil Nadu team’s training at CURE India’s National Office in Delhi was nothing short of inspiring! The team carried their enthusiasm forward, focusing on strategies to spread awareness about early detection and treatment of clubfoot, ensuring no child goes without care.
The day’s sessions empowered each team member with the skills and insights needed to identify and refer children with clubfoot effectively. These tools will help the team reach deeper into communities across Tamil Nadu, ensuring access to timely and high-quality treatment.
The training fostered not only knowledge but also camaraderie and shared determination to eliminate clubfoot as a disability. United by the vision of a clubfoot-free India, the team is prepared to return to their regions with renewed energy and purpose—determined to impact one state, one district, and one child at a time.
Every step counts on this journey. With your support, we can expand our efforts and bring life-changing care to children across India. Donate today to help us ensure no child is left behind.
Together, let’s walk toward a future where every child can live confidently, free from the challenges of clubfoot. 💪👶✨
#CUREIndia #EndClubfoot #TamilNaduTeam #HealthcareForAll #DelhiTraining #TogetherForChildren #BrighterFutures #MakingADifference #ChildHealth
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