CURE India was thrilled to welcome the enthusiastic Madhya Pradesh Team for their first day of training at our National Office in Delhi! Building on the momentum of our previous successful sessions, the team’s energy and dedication shone brightly as they embraced our mission to eliminate clubfoot disability across India.
This training is a vital step in our collective journey toward eradicating clubfoot by 2030. With each empowered team member, we’re creating a ripple effect of awareness and action across Madhya Pradesh and beyond.
Together, we’re paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for children affected by clubfoot. Every effort counts, and you can play a crucial role in this mission.
Let’s unite to bring hope, healing, and transformation to children, one step at a time.
#MadhyaPradeshTeam #CUREIndia #TransformingLives #ClubfootAwareness #Mission2030 #InclusiveHealth #HealthForAll #HopeInAction #MakingADifference
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