On their second day of training at CURE India’s National Office in Delhi, the Odisha team brought boundless enthusiasm and focus to the mission of creating a disability-free future for children with clubfoot. This day was not just about acquiring knowledge; it was about fostering teamwork, building dedication, and celebrating shared goals.
The Odisha team’s efforts exemplify the dedication required to reach our vision of a clubfoot-free India by 2030. With every step, they are ensuring that children in their state receive timely care, giving them the chance to walk, run, and thrive without limitations.
Your support can help fuel this incredible journey. By donating, you can contribute to training more teams, treating more children, and spreading awareness about clubfoot care across India.
Let’s work together, one state, one district, and one child at a time, to transform lives and bring hope to every corner of India.
#CUREIndia #OdishaTeam #Day2Highlights #ClubfootAwareness #EndClubfoot #TogetherWeCan #Mission2030 #Teamwork #HopeForChildren #MakingADifference #TransformingLives
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