CURE India's mission to eradicate clubfoot disability reached new heights with the recent visit of Ms. Pushpa Mahamandare, District Program Coordinator, to a Primary School in Chandrapur, Maharashtra. This visit underscored the importance of community engagement in ensuring timely care for children born with clubfoot.
Every step toward awareness brings us closer to a clubfoot-free India. By uniting efforts and fostering community participation, we can ensure that no child is left untreated.
Be a part of this life-changing mission. Your support can help us reach more communities, provide timely care, and transform countless lives.
Together, we can inspire action, bring hope, and create a future where every child walks confidently.
#CUREIndia #ClubfootAwareness #TransformingLives #HopeForChildren #ClubfootFreeIndia #CommunityEngagement #MakingADifference
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