CURE India’s District Program Coordinator, Ms. Priya, recently embarked on a meaningful home visit to Karmisar Village, Bikaner, Rajasthan, where she shared crucial insights about our Clubfoot Awareness Program. Her visit not only shed light on the significance of early identification and timely treatment of clubfoot but also highlighted the power of community collaboration in creating lasting change.
Our mission goes beyond just treatment—it’s about creating a future where children can walk confidently, free from the constraints of clubfoot. Through collaborative efforts and continued education, we are making significant strides toward this brighter, healthier future.
We invite you to unite with us in this mission of hope and healing. Together, we can spread awareness, inspire action, and bring the gift of mobility to more children across India.
Let’s continue working together, one community at a time, to make a lasting impact in the lives of children and their families.
#CUREIndia #ClubfootAwareness #TransformingLives #HopeForChildren #CommunityImpact #ClubfootFreeIndia #HealthForAll #TogetherWeCan #SupportAndCare #WalkWithConfidence
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