The Train the Trainer on the Ponseti Method of Clubfoot Management is moving forward with great energy and impact! Bringing together medical professionals from across India, this initiative—led by CURE India in collaboration with the Global Clubfoot Initiative and the Central Institute of Orthopedics, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital—is designed to equip doctors with specialized skills for effective clubfoot treatment.
Two standout sessions were conducted by Dr. Mathew Varghese on Course Standardization and Dr. Alaric Aroojis, who shared his expertise on clubfoot management, enhancing the knowledge and skills of participants. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these dedicated professionals for their invaluable contributions.
Through training like this, we reinforce our mission to eliminate clubfoot disability, giving every child a chance at a brighter, disability-free future. With collective effort and determination, we are one step closer to a clubfoot-free India!
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