Transforming Lives at CURE India's Kakinada Clinic, Andhra Pradesh

The Power of the Ponseti Method

Our dedicated team in Andhra Pradesh uses the Ponseti method, a globally recognized non-surgical treatment, to correct clubfoot. This approach has restored mobility for thousands of children across India, giving them the opportunity to lead a healthy and active life.

A Step Towards a Clubfoot-Free India

With early detection, timely treatment, and unwavering support, we are empowering children and families to overcome clubfoot disability. Our mission is clear—by 2030, no child in India should suffer from untreated clubfoot.

💛 Together, we can make this vision a reality!

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#CUREIndia #ClubfootAwareness #KakinadaClinic #PonsetiMethod #TransformingLives #DisabilityFreeIndia #HopeForChildren #EmpowerThroughCare #NonSurgicalTreatment #HealthcareForAll #Mission2030 #OneStepAtATime

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CURE International India Trust is a nonprofit national Health Care NGO that serves india with a vision to eradicate disability caused by Clubfoot…

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CURE International India Trust
A-30, Block A
Gulmohar Park
New Delhi - 110 049

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