On the auspicious day of April 10, 2023, a beacon of hope illuminated the corridors of Post Graduate Institute, Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra, as we proudly inaugurated our newest clubfoot clinic. This momentous occasion marked a significant step forward in our relentless pursuit of eradicating clubfoot disability and transforming lives.
Esteemed Presence: We were honored to have the esteemed presence of Dr. Rajendra Wabale, the Honorable Dean, and Dr. Amit Swamy, the Head of Orthopedics, who jointly inaugurated the clinic, emphasizing the collaborative effort and shared vision driving our mission.
Weekly Clinic: Scheduled to convene every Thursday, the CURE weekly clubfoot clinic promises to be a sanctuary of healing and transformation for children grappling with clubfoot.
Commitment to Care: With a steadfast commitment to the Ponseti method and holistic care, our dedicated team stands ready to provide comprehensive support to every child who walks through our doors.
Belief in Early Intervention: At the heart of our clinic lies a profound belief in the power of early intervention, compassionate care, and community support to rewrite the narrative of clubfoot disability.
Call to Action: As we embark on this journey of healing and restoration, we extend a warm invitation to all stakeholders to join hands with us in our noble endeavor.
In the hallowed halls of Post Graduate Institute, a new chapter begins – a chapter defined by resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination to create a future where clubfoot is but a distant memory. Join us as we pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow, one clinic, one child, and one transformation at a time.
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